Trying to choose between the Amtico Form and Amtico Signature collections? Here we compare the differences between these two popular LVT ranges
Written by: Yarl ChristiePublished on: July 02, 2021
Amtico Form Vs Amtico Signature
Trying to choose between the Amtico Form and Amtico Signature collections? Both ranges come with a variety of benefits, though there are slight differences between them. In order to choose the right flooring for your home, it helps to understand these differences and the benefits each type of flooring provides.
To help narrow down your search, here we will compare the differences between Amtico Form and Amtico Signature.
The Amtico Form Collection
Amtico Form is a practical and versatile luxury vinyl flooring range. It is offered in a variety of wood and stone designs, with each boasting a distinctive look. This is thanks to the organic texture of the surface, alongside natural colourways. You will find an Amtico Form floor to suit practically any environment.
The floors come with a fantastic 30-year manufacturer guarantee, with a 0.7mm wear layer. As an additional benefit, they also feature an antimicrobial surface.
The Amtico Signature Collection
The Amtico Signature collection is considered a premium range. The floors come with unique designs for a stand-out look. It is a design-led collection that is made to order. All floors in the range come with a 1mm wear layer, and a lifetime warranty.
You have full control over the design of the floor, and there are more than 100 designs included in the Designer’s Choice collection.
Which is Better?
Technically, the Amtico Signature collection is better in terms of durability. However, the Amtico Form collection still offers a remarkable lifespan. It is also much cheaper than the signature collection, making it the better value choice.
You will also find that the Amtico Form range is easier and more convenient to purchase. It comes in pre-made packs, whereas the Signature range needs to be made to order. The sheer choice of designs can also be overwhelming with the Signature range.
We find that the Amtico Signature collection is better suited to interior designers and DIY enthusiasts. The Amtico Form collection on the other hand, tends to work out better for most homeowners.
Overall, both collections come in a beautiful range of designs. However, if you are looking for a no-fuss, luxury flooring solution on a budget, the Amtico Form collection is the better choice.